

Technical architecture and interior design studio.
Agustí Costa was professor of technical architecture (2000-2007), of the Workshop A Contraluz (2013-2015) and co-director of the master's degree in Design of the Interior Space (2004-2017) in Elisava, School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. He is the author of domestic and commercial interior design projects, offices and institutional spaces. He has also carried out furniture and product projects. His work has been disseminated through specialized media and has featured in several collective exhibitions, national and international, as well as in the individual dedicated to the project of the Paleontological Museum of Fumanya (Barcelona 2003), the ballot box Andorra (Andorra la Vella 1993) and the Match Tickets Conversion Kiosk project for the World Cup (Seoul 2002). Author of the books "The Production of Interior Design", "Interior Space, Attitudes, Sensations and Projected Concepts" and the collective book "Environment, Interior Design". He wrote for 10 years in the opinion section of the Eben Interiors magazine, on interior design issues, and on architecture and interior design at Wall Street International Magazine. Lecturer in various international teaching centers, visiting professor at several American universities and author, since 1987, of interior design and industrial design projects as well as directing all types of architecture works.

The study Agustí Costa practices a rigorous and rational method, but also shows a predilection for suggestive aspects of design, that is, for to all components that stimulate our sensory capacity. We believe in the simplicity, consisting of ideas and the power of design to improve the quality of life, according to the cultural signs of the time.


Agustí Costa: Director.
Vicenç Tolosa; Associated.
